Domain and Domain Registration

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Data structures

The following structures are used to store data in objects of CZ.NIC.

Class ContactType

Class ContactType contains contact data intended to create a new contact or for registration of changes of an existing contact to the database of CZ.NIC.

Attribute Id

Contains the contact identifier.

Attribute Name

Contains the name and surname of the contact.

Attribute Org

Contains the name of the organization.

Attribute Street, Street2, Street3

Contains the name of the street.

Attribute City

Contains the name of the city.

Attribute Sp

Contains the name of the county or province.

Attribute Pc

Contains the ZIP Code.

Attribute Cc

Contains the ISO Code.

Attribute Voice

Contains the telephone number.

Attribute Fax

Contains the fax number.

Attribute Email

Contains the e-mail address.

Attribute Vat

Contains VAT.

Attribute IdentValue

Contains data for identity verification.

Attribute IdentType

Contains the type of document to verify the identity of a contact.

Attribute NotifyEmail

Contains the e-mail address to receive notification messages.

Attribute AuthInfo

Contains the password for the transfer of contact between registrars.

Attribute Disclose

Contains a set of flags managing the public access to certain data of the contact.

Structure ContactWhoisType

Structure ContactWhoisType contains an existing contact data retrieved from the database of CZ-NIC. It contains the same attributes as the class ContactType and in addition the following attributes.

Attribute ClId

Contains the identifier of the contact registrar.

Attribute CrDate

Contains the creation date of the contact.

Attribute CrId

Contains the identifier of the registrar who created the contact.

Attribute UpId

Contains the identifier of the registrar who created the contact, which changed the contact information recently.

Attribute UpDate

It contains the date of the last modification of the contact.

Attribute TrDate

Contains the date of the last contact transfer between registrars.

Structure NsSetType

Structure NsSetType contains the data of the name server set intended to create a new set or to write changes to the existing set in the CZ.NIC database.

Attribute Id

Contains the name server set identifier.

Attribute NsName1, NsName2, ..., NsName10

Contains fully qualified domain name of the name server.

Attribute NsAddr1, NsAddr2, ..., NsAddr10

Contains glue IP addresses for the particular name servers.

Attribute Tech

Contains contact identifiers in the role of the technical contact of the name server set.

Attribute AuthInfo

Contains the password for the transfer of the name server set between registrars.

Attribute ReportLevel

Contains the required level of technical tests.

Attribute NsNameRem

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains domain names of the name servers intended to be removed from the set.

Attribute TechRem

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains contact identifiers in the role of the technical contact intended to be removed from the set.

Structure NsSetWhoisType

Structure NsSetWhoisType contains existing data of the name server set retrieved from the database of CZ.NIC. It contains the same attributes as the structure NsSetType and in addition the following attributes.

Attribute ClId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar.

Attribute CrDate

Contains the creation date of the name server set.

Attribute CrId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar who created the name server set

Attribute UpId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar, which changed the data of the name server set recently.

Attribute UpDate

Contains the date of the last change of the data in the name server set.

Attribute TrDate

Contains the date of the last transfer of the name server set between registrars.

Structure KeySetType

Structure KeySetType contains data of the key set intended to create a new set or to write the changes to the existing set in the database of CZ.NIC.

Attribute Id

Contains the key set identifier.

Attribute DS

Contains DS records of type DSType for the certain key set.

Attribute Tech

Contains the contact identifiers in the role of the technical contact of the key set.

Attribute AuthInfo

Contains the password for the transfer of the key set between registrars..

Attribute DSRem

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains DS records intended to be removed from the set.

Attribute TechRem

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains contact identifiers in the role of the technical contact intended to be removed from the set.

Structure KeySetWhoisType

Structure KeySetWhoisType contains existing data of the key set retrieved from the database of CZ.NIC. It contains the same attributes as the structure KeySetType and in addition the following attributes.

Attribute ClId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar.

Attribute CrDate

Contains the creation date of the key set.

Attribute CrId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar who created the key set

Attribute UpId

Contains the identifier of the given registrar, which changed the data of the key set recently

Attribute UpDate

Contains the date of the last change of the data in the key set.

Attribute TrDate

Contains the date of the last transfer of the key set between registrars.

Structure DomainType

Structure DomainType contains domain data intended to create a new domain or for registration of changes of an existing domain to the database of CZ.NIC.

Attribute DomainName

Contains Domain Name.

Attribute Period

Contains number of years for the new domain registration.

Attribute NsSet

Contains NSSET id

Attribute KeySet

Contains Keyset id

Attribute Registrant

Contains owner contact id.

Attribute Admin

Contains admin contact id.

Attribute AuthInfo

Contains password for registrar transfer.

Attribute AdminAdd

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains contact identifiers in the role of the admin contact intended to be added to domain.

Attribute AdminRem

It has meaning only when you make changes. Contains contact identifiers in the role of the admin contact intended to be removed from domain.

Structure DomainWhoisType

Structure DomainWhoisType contains existing data of the domain retrieved from the database of CZ.NIC. It contains the same attributes as the structure DomainType and in addition the following attributes.

Attribute ExDate

Contains expiration date.

Attribute TempContact

Contains identifiers of temporary contacts.

Attribute ClId

Contains identifier of given registrar.

Attribute CrDate

Contains domain creation date.

Attribute CrId

Contains identifier of given registrar, who created the domain.

Attribute UpId

Contains identifier of given registrar, who process last domain update.

Attribute UpDate

Contains last modofication date.

Attribute TrDate

Contains last registrar trasfer date

Structure CheckType

Structure CheckType Contains contains data obtained by checking availability in CZ.NIC database.

Attribute Avail

Indicates whether the object is available or not.

Attribute Reason

Contains additional informations.

Structure DSType

Structure DSType Contains data of DS record for keyset.

Attribute KeyTag

Value, which makes finding the key to which the DS record refers.

Attribute Alg

Creating a public key algorithm to which the record relates.

Attribute DigestType

Hash type function that is used when creating a hash of the public key.

Attribute Digest

Hash of the public key, to which the record relates.

Attribute MaxSigLife

TTL for this record

Structure DomainSpecRegType

Structure DomainSpecRegType Contains domain name and date of the anticipated release for the new registration.

Attribute DomainName

Domain name.

Attribute DeletedDate

Date of the anticipated release.


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client ZMS

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Example of use

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